How I Developed Gloria, The Gecko.

I'm proud to announce that 14 years ago this month, June 2006, I started my art business, Ness Ness Va's art. When I began this journey I never imagine I would be doing this for all these years.
I began my journey as a street vendor in San Francisco selling cards and prints of my art. One of my former attendants, Christine Cruz Zhang, had a gecko for a pet, so one day I decided to draw a picture a gecko popping out of a bowl of pasta. For some reason people just loved this gecko picture, and it became my most popular piece and sold several copies of it. One day I got the idea to use my gecko character and create a children's book. I also wanted to use my book to educate kids about disabilities. By June 2010, I wrote, illustrated, and self-published my first book, "Gloria, The Gecko Attendant." It's about a girl with Cerebral Palsy and her gecko attendant. Since I received so many positive comments and feedback, I decided to use Gloria, The Gecko, in my second children's book, "Rollerblading On Autism." In this book Gloria hangs out with a boy who is autistic. Being able to share my books and reading my books in schools, and talking to kids and their parents, and being able to explain why I do what I do is one of my favorite parts of my job. Even though they always tell me that I inspire them, they inspire me to keep writing and doing art. I want to thank everyone who has supported me and bought some of my art and books over the past 14 years!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3